Agaricus subrufescens Peck is a mushroom whose cultivation has aroused great interest worldwide in recent years, gaining great popularity. A rapid expansion of culture throughout the world is foreseen because of their medicinal and culinary properties. This work assesses the productivity and chemical characteristics of the fruiting bodies of A. subrufescens that have been produced on five different casing layers. A growth cycle of A. subrufescens under controlled conditions has been carried out. The productivity and composition of the harvested fruiting bodies were evaluated. Peat-based casings have better performance than those based on mineral soil. The best results have been provided by the Euroveen commercial casing layer (9,71 kg dt-1 compost). Except for moisture, no significant differences were observed in the composition of the mushrooms harvested, obtaining similar results to those reported in the literature. In general terms, the low moisture content, high protein and low fat contents and low energy value of the harvested mushrooms are noteworthy. The results show that the moisture content of the carpophores is directly influenced by the characteristics of the casing layers used for fruiting, which, considering that the marketing of this fungus is mainly performed after a process of dehydration, directly affects the final yield of the production process.
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