The apiculture in Spain is characterized because it has an important quantity of agricultural useful available surface for his utilization, there presents a relatively low density of population (which it's important, as much in what it affects the location as his movement) and, in general, the climatic conditions are not extreme, which in turn gives place to flowerings during great part of the year, existing the important possibility of selecting the vegetable base. Besides, nowadays new opportunities of business appear, both in the home market and in the exterior (fundamentally inside the European Union), due to the deficit in the production of honey. But these opportunities of business in the production and trade of the honey for the apicultural farms can and must go associated to the quality in the production, in where the Denomination of Origin (D.O.) a fundamental paper plays both in the quality guarantee and in the image that is projected. This it is the case of the D.O. Miel de La Alcarria in Castilla-La Mancha. But this potential must go accompanied on a few methods of management of the apicultural farms suitable that make them competitive. In this work, it is analyzed by means of the classic indexes of financial evaluation of investments the profitability of this one type of farms. Finally, the work is completed with an analysis of sensibility in which, apart from other suppositions, it shows the importance of the protection by the D.O. and packed of the honey.
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